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Travel and More!

Fine Luggage, Travel Accessories, Guides, Books, Maps, Cafe and ample FREE PARKING!

Briggs and Riley
Backed by a lifetime guarantee.

Saturday Events


always wanted for our community travel
(and other)
slide show and talks!

Saturday's at 5 (for over 20 years!)

Check out a personaly

curated selection of newley released general interst (not specifically travel) books


Travel Bug
Book Discussions

Tuesday March 27 at 5:30 in the store.

Everyone welcome

Travel Bug Inventory

More travel guides, country, state, city and USGS Maps
(printed on demand)
than any store on earth! (probably)

coffee, beer and wine
for your shopping assitance!

Next Event

See Flyer

Marseille: France's Coolest City
with Spencer Windes
Saturday Mar 15, 2025

The French love to hate on Marseille, but Spencer Windes believes it’s France’s coolest city. Join him while he makes the case that this diverse, frenetic, sun-baked Mediterranean port city embodies what’s best about the 21st century.

Language Classes
Wine and Beer!

We offer Spanish and Italian and French conversational language classes in the store. Language class schedule
Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4
Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm    

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