Travel Bug Bookgroup

Come and join us. Sunday Sept 22 at noon. We will have books at the store or

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Next Book will be "Grief Is for People!" by Sloane Crosle

Disarmingly witty and poignant, Sloane Crosley's memoir explores multiple kinds of loss following the death of her closest friend. How do we live without the ones we love? Grief Is for People is a deeply moving and suspenseful portrait of friendship, and a book about loss that is profuse with life. Sloane Crosley is one of our most renowned observers of contemporary behavior, and now the pathos that has been ever present in her trademark wit is on full display. After the pain and confusion of losing her closest friend to suicide, Crosley looks for answers in philosophy and art, hoping for a framework more useful than the unavoidable stages of grief. For most of her adult life, Sloane and Russell worked together and played together as they navigated the corridors of office life, the literary world, and the dramatic cultural shifts in New York City. One day, Sloane's apartment is broken into. Along with her most prized possessions, the thief makes off with her sense of security, leaving a mystery in its place. When Russell dies exactly one month later, his suicide propels Sloane on a wild quest to right the unrightable, to explore what constitutes family and possession as the city itself faces the staggering toll of the pandemic. Sloane Crosley's search for truth is frank, darkly funny, and gilded with resounding empathy. Upending the "grief memoir," Grief Is for People is a category-defying story of the struggle to hold on to the past without being consumed by it. A modern elegy, it rises precisely to console and challenge our notions of mourning during these grief-stricken times. Knopf Publishing Group :    January 23, 2024

Hosted by: Aimee Gwynne Franklyn

Aimee Gwynne Franklyn is an independent curator, art consultant and producer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Franklyn is the founding director of Doubleplate Arts (DPA), a private consultancy focusing on mid 20th century and contemporary art, and Doubleplate Productions, an offshoot of DPA, which highlights the work of socially and politically engaged writers, artists and performers who utilize their voices to affect change. She is currently developing a project examining the parallels between book banning in Nazi Germany and the recent proliferation of bans in the United States. Her ongoing research focuses on the community benefits of public art, interdisciplinary collaboration, art-making as a transformative tool for healing PTSD, and the critical role arts education plays in reducing recidivism in the carceral system.

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Africa, Now and Then

Carl Henn     
Saturday Sept 7, 2024

Starting as a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco in the 1980s, Carl went on to a long career in global health in Africa during the height of the AIDS epidemic, eventually spending 40 years working or living in 27 of the 54 independent nations in Africa. It was just long enough for him to learn a bit about the continent and to realize that an entire lifetime is not enough to know all of Africa well.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4            Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm