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Travel Bug
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Yes! Elaborate involving saga.
I inhaled this book in one night. The prose is hypnotic and the story mysteriously mesmerizing. It pitches you head first into a delirious and wicked world that I personally never wanted to leave. It’s a fever dream of a book that takes you for a ride that leaves your heart aching, but still hopeful. I’m utterly obsessed with it.
A memoir written partially in second person? Sign me up! Every chapter reads like a poem and/or an essay. It’’s a wealth of historical and cultural knowledge while still being incredibly intimate and raw. The story itself is a page turner despite its unusual format. I was captivated and moved and loved every word.
I wanted to like this book and there were some wonderful things about it, but ultimately it fell short for me. It’s an homage to slasher horror flicks and the author’s passion and knowledge on the subject was infectious, but the story itself was lacking. Even for a late franchise slasher movie the ending of this book would have been bad, it’s messy, a little confusing, and to be completely honest, stupid. I enjoyed a lot of the prose and the spirit of this book, but it was a disappointment.
Material World: No not Madonna.

The fiber-optic cables that weave the World Wide Web, the copper veins of our electric grids, the silicon chips and lithium batteries that power our phones and cars.
A fascinating overview of the scale of human resource extaction from our finite planet. The gigantic scale of mining for stuff is reaching limits in many areas. Succinct and entertaining descriptions of what we are up against in our efforts to reach some sort of sustainability.
Highly reccomended!
One of the best books I have read this year!

We don’t spend much time really thinking about roads, but this book will make you think again. Our obliviousness about the side effects of our endless pursuit of efficiency is passionately exposed in this heartfelt and compassionate book. In the sprit of the writings of John McPhee, Goldfarb will introduce you to compelling characters engaged in “road ecology”.
One of the least popular people out there and still digging his own hole. That said he is remarkable. rilliant, egomaniacle, empathy free, politically unpredictable, and one of the most impactful men on the planet. Following his technologies alone makes this worth reading.
Guilty pleasure. Author of "COMA" and 30 deriviative novels. Mediocre writing but the protrayal of the medical world as a dark and morally bankrupt entity (wiht a few implacable heros as exceptions) is strangely satisfying. I have read almost all of Cooks novels but no really proud of it.
"When I set out to learn how to make pasta by hand several years ago there was a lot of conflicting information that I came across and it left me feeling a little bewildered; this book cleared up a lot of the questions I was left with about handmade pasta. Even though this book is mainly about specific regional pasta, it covers some basics that can at first seem daunting. A must read if you want to learn how to make pasta without a machine!"
Doug lives in Santa Fe and says writing this kind of stuff is easy. You will need a dictionary and a grasp of history to enjoy the scope the many arcane references. -- Now that I finished I found the surprising to be continued non-ending very annoying. Only for the dedicated followers of these authors,

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Skiing the Haute Route

Andy Krumpe     
Saturday Oct 19, 2024

In 2018 my wife and I participated in an alpine ski tour of the Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt. During the 6 days of skiing we stayed at 5 alpine huts, crossed 13 glaciers, 12 cols, summitted 2 peaks, and covered 51 miles. Between an exhausting first day and a 19-mile sixth day we experienced high alpine hut living (the huts range in elevation from 8,061 to 10,400 feet above sea level), beautiful mountain scenery, and great people. Join me as I retrace our route with photos of some of the highlights of the skiing and descriptions of the huts, the route, the conditions, and the people who joined us on this adventure. There will opportunities to hear questions from the audience, as well as demonstrations of the alpine touring and mountaineering gear necessary to undertake such a trip.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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