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Travel Bug
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Travel Bug

Travel Bug's Stocked Titles:  United Kingdom

Come by and browse in our store. Or buy online from us through is an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops. We believe that bookshops are essential to a healthy culture. It was launched in January 2020.   Bookshop passes back 30% of a book's cover price and part of the site's 10% profit-share pool to the local store selected.
United Kingdom    162 titles;    Go to List View <

Blank covers are not stocked at bookshop but may well be at Travel Bug
1 The Cotswolds 3e
1 Bath
2 Lonely Planet Ireland Planning Map 2 2
0 London - Unusual Bars & Restaurants 3e
1 Orkney 2e
1 South Devon & Dartmoor 3e
1 Britain & Ireland Planning Map includin
1 Ireland Planning Map including dublin,
2 Scotland Planning Map including edinbur
1 London 13 13e
1 Ireland 16 16e
1 Great Britain
1 England with edinburgh 4e
0 Cornwall and Devon
0 Ireland 4 4e
1 503 Great Britain: Wales, the Midlands, S
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Africa, Now and Then

Carl Henn     
Saturday Sept 7, 2024

Starting as a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco in the 1980s, Carl went on to a long career in global health in Africa during the height of the AIDS epidemic, eventually spending 40 years working or living in 27 of the 54 independent nations in Africa. It was just long enough for him to learn a bit about the continent and to realize that an entire lifetime is not enough to know all of Africa well.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4            Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm