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Travel Bug

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Come by and browse in our store. Or buy online from us through is an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops. We believe that bookshops are essential to a healthy culture. It was launched in January 2020.   Bookshop passes back 30% of a book's cover price and part of the site's 10% profit-share pool to the local store selected.
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1 San Antonio Map laminated city center m
1 Yosemite, Sequoia & Kings Canyon hiking
1 Where the Waves Turn Back forty-day pil
1 Foraging Mushrooms of the Rocky Mountains
1 Medicinal Plants of North America field
1 Northern California Hiking best hikes p
1 MILEPOST 2024 alaska travel planner 76e
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Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley

Phillipe Holweiler     
Saturday Sept 21, 2024

The presentation will cover Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley (which includes the part of the Black Forest along that particular stretch of the Rhine as well as the Basel area in Northern Switzerland). The slideshow will mostly (but not exclusively) center the Holiday Season, which is very big in Alsace and the Upper Rhine Valley and quite magical and festive, with among others, some of the most beautiful Christmas markets anywhere.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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Current Hours:     Monday - Saturday  9-6      Sunday 12 - 4            Slide Shows typically Saturdays at 5pm