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North America    1414 titles;    Go to Cover View
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OH  Title  Category Author (Publisher) Price Date
2 311 Needles District Canyonlands NP UTAH    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 3117 Alaska ADVENTURE    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
6 3121 United States, Southwest    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Mar 2018
2 319 Old Faithful Day Hikes yellowstone IDAHO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2012
1 321 Mount Hood Wilderness OREGON    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2012
5 400 Allagash Wilderness North MAINE    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
5 401 Allagash Wilderness South MAINE    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 50 Hikes in Northern New Mexico    Sports & Recreation Hi Huschke Kai 22.95 Dec 2016
1 50 Hikes in Utah    Explorers Guide Countryman Press 18.95 Jun 2013
1 50 States, 1,000 Eats where to go, when to go, what to eat, what to drink    Travel / Food, Lodging & National Geographic 27.99 Mar 2024
2 50 Things to See & Do Northern New Mexicos Enchanted Circle    New Mexico Williams Mark D 24.99 Oct 2018
2 502 Bike—Idaho Springs/Clear Cr COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 503 Buffalo Creek Mountain Bike Trails Colorado    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 52 Things to Do in Boston    Moon Moon Guides 19.99 Dec 2021
1 52 Things to Do in Chicago    Moon Moon Guides 19.99 Dec 2021
1 52 Things to Do in Los Angeles local spots, outdoor recreation, getaways    Moon Moon Guides 19.99 Dec 2022
1 52 Things to Do in Nashville    Moon Moon Guides 19.99 Nov 2021
1 52 Things to Do in Phoenix & Tucson local spots, outdoor recreation, geta    Moon Moon 19.99 Aug 2022
0 581 USA New England 4e    Map Folded Michelin 6.95 Apr 2017
1 584 Southeast USA    Map Folded Michelin 6.95 Jun 2012
5 585 USA West Canada West    Map Folded Michelin 6.95 Jun 2012
2 6 Trail GT Geology of the Upper Pecos    NM Geology & Minerals 8.95 Aug 2009
0 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles: Albuquerque Santa Fe, Mount Taylor etc 3e    Falcon Menasha Ridge 21.95 Feb 2019
1 601 Aspen, Local Trails COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 11.95 Mar 2018
1 602 Vail, Local Trails COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Mar 2018
1 603 Telluride, Local Trails COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Mar 2018
1 607 Dillon, Local Trails COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Mar 2018
1 700 Ogden, Monte Cristo Range UTAH    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 702 Dixie NF Cedar Mountain Pine Valley UTAH    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jan 2001
1 703 Manti LaSal dark canyon natural bridges UTAH    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
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Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley

Phillipe Holweiler     
Saturday Sept 21, 2024

The presentation will cover Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley (which includes the part of the Black Forest along that particular stretch of the Rhine as well as the Basel area in Northern Switzerland). The slideshow will mostly (but not exclusively) center the Holiday Season, which is very big in Alsace and the Upper Rhine Valley and quite magical and festive, with among others, some of the most beautiful Christmas markets anywhere.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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