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North America    1414 titles;    Go to Cover View
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OH  Title  Category Author (Publisher) Price Date
1 1203 Colorado Trail, Collegiate Loop    Map Folded National Geograpghic 14.95 Mar 2018
1 121 Eagle/Avon COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 122 Flat Tops NE/Trapper Lake COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 124 Flat Tops NW/Meeker COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 126 Holy Cross/Reudi Reservoir COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
0 127 Aspen Independence Pass COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2009
1 128 Maroon Bells/Redstone/Marbl COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.96 May 1998
3 129 Buena Vista/Collegiate Peak COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 130 Salida St Elmo Shavano Peak COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Aug 2009
1 1303 Colorado 14ers South [San Juan, Elk, and Sangre de Cristo Mountains]    Map Folded National Geograpghic 14.95 Mar 2018
1 1304 Colorado Backpack Loops North    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 1305 Colorado Backpack Loops South    Map Folded National Geograpghic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 131 Crested Butte Pearl Pass COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Sep 1994
0 132 Gunnison Pitkin COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Sep 1994
0 133 Kebler Pass/Paonia Reservoi COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2009
0 134 Black Mesa/Curecanti Pass COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 135 Deckers/Rampart Range COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
1 136 Grand Mesa COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2009
2 137 Pikes Peak Canon City COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Sep 1994
2 138 Sangre de Cristo Mts Great Sand Dune COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 2002
0 139 La Garita/Cochetopa COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 May 1998
6 140 Weminuche Wilderness COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Apr 1998
2 141 Telluride Silverton Ouray Lake City 63k COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Apr 2009
4 142 South San Juan/Del Norte COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Jun 2009
3 145 Pagosa Springs Bayfield COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 146 Uncompahgre Plateau SOUTH COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 147 Uncompahgre Plateau NORTH COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 148 Collegiate Peaks Wilderness COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 149 Holy Cross Eagle nest Wilderness COLORADO    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 14er Fan Club    Funk, Jerry 14.95 May 2010
Page2 of 48         30 items/page

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Art Tour of Florence

Ken Collins     
Saturday Sept 14, 2024

Without question, Florence ranks right at the top of the list of one of the great art cities of the world. This is especially noteworthy as its period of greatness - late Middle Ages through the late Renaissance - was relatively brief, just under 400 years. This contrasts with Rome, where virtually all periods of Western art and architecture are represented. But the period covered, 1250 - 1600 C.E. is filled with such a density of dazzling work as to be postiviely overwhelming. This program is based on a 2 1/2 week stay in Florence in November 2023, which was enough time - barely - to re-visit the best of the best of art during one of Europe 's most accomplished periods

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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