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Travel Bug's Stocked Titles:  Africa

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Africa    51 titles;    Go to Cover View
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OH  Title  Category Author (Publisher) Price Date
1 3201 Fish River Canyon & the Richtersveld, South Africa, NamibiaF    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Aug 2012
2 741 Africa North & West OP    Map Folded Michelin 12.95 May 2012
0 742 Africa Morocco    Map Folded Michelin 12.95 Dec 2024
1 744 Africa Tunisia    Map Folded Michelin 12.95 Oct 2021
1 745 Africa Northeast and Arabia 4e OP    Map Folded Michelin 12.95 May 2012
1 748 South Africa lesotho swaziland    Map Folded Michelin 12.95 May 2023
1 A Living Dinosaur: On Hunt in West Africa or, how i avoided prison but was    Africa West Spain, Pat 14.95 Jan 2023
0 Africa 15e    Africa Lonely Planet 28.99 Dec 2024
1 Africa 5M    Map Folded International Travel Map 15.95 Sep 2013
1 Africa Classic 24" x 30.75" LAMINATED    DD6 National Geographic 24.95 Jan 2009
1 Africa Classic 24" x 30.75" Paper    DD6 National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
2 Africa Classic ENLARGED 36" x 46" LAMINATED    AA5 National Geographic 39.95 Nov -0001
1 Africa East & Central 3.4m    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jan 2015
1 Africa East Coast    Map Folded International Travel Map 13.95 Nov -0001
1 Africa Executive 24" x 31" LAMINATED    DD6 National Geographic 24.95 Nov -0001
1 Africa North 1.34m    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jan 2015
0 Africa North East 1e    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jun 2014
1 Africa Northwest    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jan 2014
1 Africa Overland plus a return route through asia; 4x4, motorbike, bicycle, tru    Bradt Bradt 29.99 Nov 2022
1 Africa Phrasebook & Dictionary 3e    Phrasebook Lonely Planet 10.99 Dec 2019
2 Africa REFERENCE    Map Folded National Geographic 14.95 Nov -0001
1 Africa South & Central 2.2/ 1.34m    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jan 2015
0 Africa Southern 2.2m    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jan 2015
1 Africa Western 3.4m    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Mar 2015
1 African Backstory    Nancy Ney 75.00 Nov -0001
1 Blaeu’s Africa 1665 19" x 13"    Historic Urban Plans 16.95 Mar 2000
1 Burkina Faso & West Africa    Map Folded International Travel Map 13.95 Feb 2020
1 Cape Verde & West Africa 500k    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Jun 2007
1 Central African Republic (20 Sep. 19    4 x 6 in Flag Hoffmeister Haus 3.75 Nov -0001
1 Congo - Democratic Republic of Congo & Central African Repub    Map Folded International Travel Map 12.95 Feb 2012
Page1 of 2         30 items/page

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Art Tour of Florence

Ken Collins     
Saturday Sept 14, 2024

Without question, Florence ranks right at the top of the list of one of the great art cities of the world. This is especially noteworthy as its period of greatness - late Middle Ages through the late Renaissance - was relatively brief, just under 400 years. This contrasts with Rome, where virtually all periods of Western art and architecture are represented. But the period covered, 1250 - 1600 C.E. is filled with such a density of dazzling work as to be postiviely overwhelming. This program is based on a 2 1/2 week stay in Florence in November 2023, which was enough time - barely - to re-visit the best of the best of art during one of Europe 's most accomplished periods

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