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OH  Title  Category Author (Publisher) Price Date
1 Bhutan 8    Asia India & South Asia Lonely Planet 24.99 Dec 2023
0 Bhutan: Himalayan Mountain Kingdom    Francoise Pommaret 23.95 Jan 2009
0 Bi Color D5 Assoirted Carabiner    Carabiner Bison Designs 3.95 Nov -0001
1 Bible Top Butte 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
10 Bifocal Sunglass Readers    Glasses ICU eyewear 23.00 Nov -0001
1 Big Beaver Reservoir 24K    USGS Colorado 12.00 Nov -0001
2 Big Bend National Park Adventure Set travel map and wildlife guide    Nature / Animals / Wildl Waterford Press 17.95 May 2024
4 Big Bend NP 100k shaded relief 1971 map texas    D4 USGS 14.95 Dec 1999
1 Big Black Dog in Vallarta    ARMCHAIR Branham, Mary 18.95 Dec 1998
8 Big Costilla Peak 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
2 Big Gyp Mountain 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
1 Big Hatchet Peak 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
1 Big Marvine Peak 24K    USGS Colorado 12.00 Nov -0001
1 Big Rock Hill 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
2 Big Sinks 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
1 Big Soap Park 24K    USGS Colorado 12.00 Jan 1995
1 Bigbee Draw 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Sep 1997
1 Bighorn Peak 24K    USGS New Mexico 12.95 Jan 1995
3 Bikini Black Large    Large Ex Officio 22.00 Sep 2022
0 Bikini BLACK XS    Extra Small Ex Officio 18.00 Nov -0001
2 Bikini Brief Black L    Large Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
1 Bikini Brief Black M    Medum Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
1 Bikini Brief Buff L    Large Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
1 Bikini Brief Buff M    Medum Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
1 Bikini Brief Lagoon L    Large Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
1 Bikini Brief Lagoon M    Medum Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
2 Bikini Brief Retro Red/White M    Medum Ex Officio 26.00 Jul 2023
2 Bikini Ink Large    Large Ex Officio 22.00 Nov -0001
1 Bikini LOLLIPOP XL 2241-2185-3030    Extra Large Ex Officio 18.00 Nov -0001
0 Bikini NUDE XL    Extra Large Ex Officio 18.00 Nov -0001
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Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley

Phillipe Holweiler     
Saturday Sept 21, 2024

The presentation will cover Strasbourg and the Upper Rhine Valley (which includes the part of the Black Forest along that particular stretch of the Rhine as well as the Basel area in Northern Switzerland). The slideshow will mostly (but not exclusively) center the Holiday Season, which is very big in Alsace and the Upper Rhine Valley and quite magical and festive, with among others, some of the most beautiful Christmas markets anywhere.

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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