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Travel Bug's Stocked Titles:  All Eastern Europe

Come by and browse in our store. Or buy online from us through is an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops. We believe that bookshops are essential to a healthy culture. It was launched in January 2020.   Bookshop passes back 30% of a book's cover price and part of the site's 10% profit-share pool to the local store selected.
All Eastern Europe    105 titles;    Go to List View

Blank covers are not stocked at bookshop but may well be at Travel Bug
0 World After Ukraine return to values an
0 Intent to Destroy russia’s two-hundre
0 Romania & Bulgaria 8e
0 Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan 8e
1 Budapest with the danube bend and other
1 Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania 10e
1 Poland 10e
1 Croatia
1 Slovenia 11 11e
0 Croatia with montenegro and slovenia 3e
0 Ukraine 
2 Croatia 12 12e
0 Ukraine forging of a nation
1 Central Europe czech republic, poland,
1 732 Hungary
0 Prague & Czech Republic
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Art Tour of Florence

Ken Collins     
Saturday Sept 14, 2024

Without question, Florence ranks right at the top of the list of one of the great art cities of the world. This is especially noteworthy as its period of greatness - late Middle Ages through the late Renaissance - was relatively brief, just under 400 years. This contrasts with Rome, where virtually all periods of Western art and architecture are represented. But the period covered, 1250 - 1600 C.E. is filled with such a density of dazzling work as to be postiviely overwhelming. This program is based on a 2 1/2 week stay in Florence in November 2023, which was enough time - barely - to re-visit the best of the best of art during one of Europe 's most accomplished periods

Travel Bug
839 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501

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